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Friday, March 24, 2006
@3/24/2006 11:59:00 AM







C O N F U S E D.




Wednesday, March 22, 2006
@3/22/2006 09:35:00 PM

YAY!!! haha... I WON EDGAR IN POOL TODAY! hehe.. But i guess it was super tyco cos i really did not expect certian of the balls to get in. But am rather happy about it. But today i did not play much la. Just watched them play rather interesting.

Today was also badminton tryouts. I tot that i had screwed it up at first but i managed to get into the team at the end. I was rather happy about it but am worried abt training sia. I HATE TO RUN!!! AND THERE IS LOTS OF FOOTWORK IN BADMINTON. SIAO LA!! I dunno if i will regret my choice at the end of the day. But nvm just try it out it may just turn out good.

The week have been scary and really eventful. but shall not want to named it here. But hope it will be over soon. Anyway THANK YOU to all those who would be helping me this time. =)

Monday, March 20, 2006
@3/20/2006 07:37:00 PM

photos taken at zouk night. the things which happened that night is already written below.

@3/20/2006 12:06:00 AM

church was as usual la. skip a little of meeting to go for og outing. We met at 230. but there was a lady who kept talking to us. She talked so fast and i couldn't concentrate and did not know she was saying. We then went mind cafe to play. super fun la. we were like fighting away. haha.. then play pool before dinner. then after dinner we went home. me and jack took the train with edgar, susu and michael to boon lay then took back. haha.. reach home super late. tmr school start alr and i haven't even sleep yet. lol now 12.05am and i haven't wash up. better faster sleep.lol. i think i cannot wake up on time already. haiyo die liao.

@3/20/2006 12:06:00 AM

The thing that is in my mind will be there and kept for now athough it may leave with lots of thinking.

This week had been good. Well zouk was cool la. haha had so much fun playing and enjoying myself. On thurs the neighborhood met to go to check in at hotel 81 whereby after that we can go and prepare for zouk. We went there ard 2 something and check in. After that we left to shop as jordous did not have something to wear for zouk. He bought something from armani exchange which cost $199. so ex but nice la. Then we went to Sam's house to get something before we head back to the hotel to get ready. It took us close to 2 hours before we got ready and left for zouk. We looked our best when we were there. It was super packed and the queue was hardly moving. We had no choice but to cut the queue. We waited close to two hours before we got in. We were all damn sian after we got in cos the place was super packed until there was hardly space to move. We still squeeze into the crowd and started dancing. It was super fun. Ard 3 something we left and went back to hotel 81. We only went to sleep at 7 but 6 ppl had to squeeze on the bed 5 ppl on the floor. It was damn difficult to sleep la especially with zr snoring super loudly. I could hardly sleep.

We woke up ard 11 somthing and got ready to check out. We went to the delifrance nearby to eat before i followed pamela and jingyi to mi to watch the floor match. But i left half way as i needed to go home to bath and wait for the rest to come to prepare for the bbq. We had an overnight bbq and thru the night we went to visit och again. HAHA.. This time i even went to explore the 2nd and 3rd floor and even the baby's ward. The place was spooky but not as scary as the first time. It was rather fun and adventurous. I had fun. By the time we went back to the bbq pit. We were all tired and sleepy. But we still continued with the bbq. many ppl went to sleep but only jordous and felix were preparing food still. I think i fell asleep awhile before i woke up to eat. left the place ard 8 and went to sleep until like 2. then sleep again at 5 to 7. was super tired.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
@3/15/2006 12:33:00 AM


i am c o n f u s e d. i keep thinking of something. This is something

has been in my heart. but i dun tink it is good to say it

here. I am just thinking i am going to burst from it soon.

But then i cannot say. =) i dun think my thinkings has been that obvious.

anyway H A P P Y i will be still !! =) =)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
@3/14/2006 04:52:00 PM

yesterday had been fun i think. To me seriously i was having fun but i ... nvm dunno wat to say. But i dunno why many ppl asked me if i was fine?? they said cos i was too quiet. haha... but i tot i was just me still.
went k box yesterday. the room was so big la. it is like too big for all of us but damn fun to be in it. the guys like edgar , ts and linus were all super enthu abt singing. They were like singing all the way while all the rest were like too scared to sing. haha and i was one of them. we had fun. I was feeling damn tired dunno why too. just felt like sleeping la. the food there sucks la. seriously it dun seem to be really good. o ya but before k box, me and cindy were doing the fun art picture. it was fun but all the guys were not man enough la. they did not want to sit with anyone of us. they went to play only jack and benny stayed. they are the MAN!!! haha...anyway THANKS EDGAR and MICHAEL for ur jacket. =)
anyway after k box went to play pool. I did not win a single match maybe not in top form. but could not stand seriously. how was that possible. but nvm did not feel like playing halfway was damn tired. sat down and started talking. it was damn fun. talk crap to many ppl. anyway me and jack also sneak to subway to eat while the rest were playing. we kind of pang seh everyone. haha we were like super hungry and the smell was super good. haha.. then we left for ps to eat. The guys went there to eat after eating i left for home cos i had tennis while the guys stayed on. They were like out until 11 something lor. cos they were to a cyber cafe i think and was playing.
Tennis was great and fun. Even though at the beginning i did not know why i played so badly. I just forgot how to play everything. but still managed to play a game with my coach and the score was 13 -15. so am rather happy abt it. i even learned a new move. haha .. anyway went home and started chatting both online and msging. but went too sleep ard 1 something cos i was super tired and can barely stay awake.
today is today and it haven't ended yet.

Monday, March 13, 2006
@3/13/2006 01:40:00 AM

yesterday as usual i woke up late for church. =p hehe.. slept late last night la. slept like ard one something. I was suppose to have cg but ended up skipping it cos i couldn't wake up. went to church then abel and judith never come to church. was sitting with sarah xinyi melissa clarisse , cavin yx, desmond,jorim, jeremys. We had youth service but as usual we were talking more then listening.=p haha... yesterday i also ask calvin if he can help me get into mass comm but he said chances are low but nvm it is better than none. hehe..
after church we went for lunch at burger king at pp. it was damn funny cos we couldn't decide wat to eat at first. then we were like standing at the entrance thinking wat to eat. however, jeremy and desmond pangseh us and go to the food court to eat. how evil of them. then me desmond jorim jeremy went to popular to buy the stuff to do up the board for publications. we seriously did not know wat to do and had nothin with us. We bought many things and went back church. we started doing from 2 something cos jia hui told me she wanted something that has to do with easter. we drew many easter eggs and bunny. it was damn funny. then jeremy as usual leave half way to go home to play wow. wth la!! there was like only me melissa and jorim doing the board. yihui helped too. We were all laughing cos all our drawing sucks big time. at the end of the day, we only finished doing up the board at 5 something going 6. We were all feeling very hot and was damn happy to finish doin it.
then i went with jorim to meet xinyi and her friends some of which jorim knows at swensens.=) ate topless 5. haha.. damn fun. but did not stay very long before i left. then went home to slack and was chatting online. haha.. damn fun =).
anyway tmr going og outing cant wait. hehe.. so cool.

@3/13/2006 01:39:00 AM

the board

Saturday, March 11, 2006
@3/11/2006 09:37:00 PM

well orientation has ended and the march holidays are starting. it is such a pity that orion did not win the overall games even though they were the first before that. well congratulations to ridgel still. these orientation met a few funny and insane people. However they are very fun to hang out with. They are very funny. They also crap alot too. We would always talk together during the speeches or talks. even when we are suppose to be cheerin we would even take photos. damn funny the way they try to act cute la.
The few of us susu, me, edgar, ts, jack ,jess and michael even went to buy school u together in the dance room. damn funny cos we had to try the clothes on the spot over wat we were wearing. Then we were like laughing as the shirt was like too large or too small. We were also laughing as the skirts were all damn long and it make me look like a toot. haha.. But then we wasted alot of time there instead of being with the whole clan. We were the few who was also taking photos when we were suppose to cheer. Damn funny. I will like never forget the time. It is a pity that we would be changing class and i would be changing school but nvm i noe we would still stay in contact. =)
anyway yesterday we went out as a og. We went bowling and then pool and after we went to old changi hospital. The bowling was damn fun. our grp was winning in the bowling game. then we went to play pool. I am not happy cos i won everyone i played with except for edgar. I dun care i want to win him no matter wat. i will go and play with him again. Then i was actually very tired but then was threatened by ts and edgar to go for the old changi hospital which i was planning to back out at first. scary la. The place was all dark and i was clinging on to edgar like a monkey on a tree cos ts was complaining when i held on to his bag. The place was damn big and dark. I was scared then my phone kept ringing. haha.. then we went out and i took a cab with marcus bowl, edgar ts to kembangan station. the tot of the place still gives me the creeps. haha..
I will surely miss everyone. all of us must keep in touch i dun care =). My march hols are also rather packed going out. hehe.. shokool.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
@3/07/2006 12:27:00 AM

questions which have no real answer to it!

why would you ignore someone and yet like the person at the same time?
why cant you just tell the person?
why why why????

these few questions cannot really be answered and may be the truth. Only until the person asks then the questions would no longer exists. Therefore only the person will know the answer. To know the truth is only by asking the person who knows the answer.

i guess i will never find out the mystery behind it. i will never find out the answer too.

Monday, March 06, 2006
@3/06/2006 11:07:00 PM

well today is the starting of the jae schooling. School can never been any better. It was damn boring and was damn suay today. I really feel very tired. I just feel like lying on the bed sleeping and never wake up. Today i have made a decision i think, that is i would want to go to poly instead of staying in mi. I got scolded twice today and something super bad happened too. Cuphead had became my home tutor and she scolded me twice today. Both was in the hall cos she was angry with me for changing place.She scolded me and expected me to go back to sit with my og group. I really feel like leaving the school. She is like a dart and i was her dart board keep aiming at me. Haiyo!!! Then the next "best thing" that happened was that bird shit fell on me when i was in the hall listening to the talk. OMG!! How suay can i be today!!! anyone who wishes to know the time that the bird shit fell, it was at 1131. I was really very irritated by what had happened today.
I left school early today to appeal for marketing course in ngee ann poly. nanyang poly and temasek poly. I was really happy that everything was done quite quickly. Then i went home just to change my clothes then i went to my grandma's house. I was damn tired that i fell asleep in the car by the time i woke up i have reached my grandma's house. Then my mum suggested we go and have seafood for dinner. By the time i reached home was nearly 1030. Now i am really tired and drained out. I think i am going to collapse soon.
Yesterday was quite good. I woke up late and did not go for cg, i went for youth service straight. I was also slected to be the games ic for youth camp. Can't wait to plan the games cos it is REVENGE time. HEHE... I will surely have fun planning this. Anyway those who wished to join just inform me k it will in nov. I hope that it will turn out fine and the games fun. mud. water. eggs. flour. paint. hehe.. this is getting better and better.
My mind has alspo been filled with many things lately. things to do with people who i knew in pae and things which i dun really wish to say. I really hopoe things may happen and that truth may be out. God will guild me and i wlll just follow the pathway god had made ready for me. :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006
@3/05/2006 01:00:00 AM

These are some the photo creation which i have created. I had so much fun creating it yesterday.The photos turn out to be not bad.

Saturday, March 04, 2006
@3/04/2006 12:05:00 AM

Yesterday me and eunice went to watch final destination 3. Damn grusome!! cannot stand!i was a little freak out by the pictures and how they were killed. I met her in the afternoon ard 2 something before we went to town to watch the movie. I dun find the movie nice at all. I was like most of the time using my hand to cover my eyes. but it is not that scary but grusome. How can ppl say that it was nice????? Then we started walking ard town. We nearly comb the whole town. We walked from somerset to orchard and back again. We were like damn free nothing to do. We each also bought a book. haha. I really miss going with her. We had not gone out for like nearly 2 months.
I also found out my posting results yesterday. Wasn't really happy abt it. Didn't get wat i like. so maybe i will appeal for it and marketing. I was awaken by someone in the morning. Wanted to wake up at 11 but someone called me dunno who . i was too lazy to pick up just wanted to sleep. but then i tot of the posting then got nervous so no choice i woke up. I was damn tired the whole day. shld be sleeping soon.
anyway playing badminton tmr at clementi with tze kiat, leong and elizabeth claris would be there too. shokool. it will be a competition so fun!! cant wait. anyways got to clean up for bed liao.

Friday, March 03, 2006
@3/03/2006 11:51:00 PM

I found something fun to play with today. Created some new photos with it! Truly enjoyed it so much.
here are the photos i have created!

Thursday, March 02, 2006
@3/02/2006 10:57:00 PM

Here is a class photo and some shots of rememberance which i took. I going mad uplaoding the photos. Haiyo!!!

@3/02/2006 09:46:00 PM

well today is considered the last day of school. I had lots of fun in the school and is missing the days already. I am at the same time worried for my posting results for tmr. Anyway to everyone, good luck for your postings may u get into the school u want to. :) Anyway anyone who wishes to talk to me or inform me of anything feel free to talk to me online or msn.
This week had been rather good. I had not been skipping school. But have been sleeping very late since the day my mum left for KL. I am all alone at home which can be rather boring and fun at the same time. I am able to sleep at a later time. I have been sleeping at 12 something and to pull myself out of the bed at 5 something. But at least i am able to wake up. Haven't been doing much this week. Most of the time slacking at home. I have been preparing farewell gifts for most of the ppl i noe.
Today i had speech and drama. Before that i was at sakae sushi eating lunch. The food was good. I went home first before i went to speech. Had fun and my friends played with my phone. Haiyo!!! I am still deciding wat i shld do for my speech and exams. I am worried i choose the wrong thing to do again. How!!! Today in school i took many photos too. I really miss my friends. May we meet again when we have a class outing. Hope it will be soon. Everything is forgotten and hope that life would move on.
here are the photos which i had taken in school.


*Samantha Chan
*18 this year
*27 Jan 1989



*to go out
*the beach
*trying new and adventurous stuff
*chit chat
*to be loved
*making friends
*coffee - starbucks one
*cheese cake


L o V e S


type a comment instead =D



[x]Si Hong
[x]Xin Yi
[x] Yi Xiang

[x]Yun Fong

[x]Eunice mi
[x]Tian Shui

[x]Eunice Koh
[x]Giulia and melisa


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